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Hello. My name is Olesya Fedulova and I am a portrait photographer, videographer and film-maker currently based in Berlin. At 18 I got myself my first camera as an attempt to see the world through a more positive lens. Now I have found passion in creative expression and making other people feel and see themselves as the beautiful creatures they are. While my photography is more about seeing the beauty in the world, my writing and films are about bringing visibility to topics such as DV, mental health and LGBTQ+ issues. I have graduated in Film Production at Catalyst - Institute for Creative Arts and Technology and currently working on finishing my short-film "Loophole" about DV and depression. If you want your personal photos taken, your music videos filmed or directed, or get someone to film or photograph your events, contact me. :)


©2023 by Olesya Fedulova. 

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